Mindfulness In The Workplace - 5 session Course


Finding peace in your world, at work or at home

Are you a Leader, Colleague, or Student who wants to learn more about Mindfulness? Do you practice Mindfulness and want to understand how to apply those principles directly to your on-the-job experience? There is a strong connection between great workplaces and the principles and tenets of Mindfulness. This 5 session course will make connections between 3 key Mindfulness tenants and how they mirror and support how we practice improving hearts and minds in business. Each week we will review a Mindfulness tenet and discuss how these apply to YOU in your practice, both on your personal Mindfulness journey and in the office! THEN I will coach you through how to make these connections actionable and become a permanent habit in your daily life.

Interactive and enchanting

Learn tools to reduce stress and add calm to your life


We can accommodate a program for however your team will relate best

5 Session overview is below. The group will meet once a month for 5 sessions together on site for the lesson, coaching and habit building process! In between each session the learners are given specific tools to practice.

Session 1 - Overview of the connection between successful work spaces and Mindfulness; Self Assessment homework review

Session 2 - Presence at work

Session 3 - Equanimity at work

Session 4 - Impermanence at work

Session 5 - Reflection, Wrap Up, Ideas for continued success

Each session will have an overview, then a deep discussion about how to start making that particular topic a habit in your day, resulting in real, positive changes in how skillful you handle life!