Graphic Facilitation and Recording
Visualizing your world
Graphic Facilitation is a FANTASTIC skill for anyone who does coaching, training or educating. Humans are visual creatures, and relaying information in a visual way is extremely effective and is proven to transfer knowledge better than boring PowerPoint decks. DEATH TO POWERPOINT!
We remember pictures much better than words
You are never “reading the screen” when you engage with visuals
New Graphic Facilitation student learning the way! No prior art or drawing experience is needed.
GRAPHIC RECORDING is a little different, this process is meant to record a visual record of an event. Having a shared visual record of a gathering enables you to share your message simply, visually and in a way that anyone can understand - VISUALLY!
This Graphic Recording was done for a Simon Sinek virtual workshop and was featured in their media for months afterward
These Graphic Recordings were done for 2 keynote speakers at a Children’s Health And Wellness forum
This Graphic Recording was done to record a session on Visual Thinking during a conference